Queen of Hearts, a comic project created with my friend, Tom Wiltshire several years ago - Princess Diana faked her death and is now a vigilante superhero. Obviously. We actually got to pitch this to Adult Swim once!
Queen of Hearts, a comic project created with my friend, Tom Wiltshire several years ago - Princess Diana faked her death and is now a vigilante superhero. Obviously. We actually got to pitch this to Adult Swim once!
Queen of Hearts, a comic project created with my friend, Tom Wiltshire several years ago - Princess Diana faked her death and is now a vigilante superhero. Obviously. We actually got to pitch this to Adult Swim once!
Queen of Hearts, a comic project created with my friend, Tom Wiltshire several years ago - Princess Diana faked her death and is now a vigilante superhero. Obviously. We actually got to pitch this to Adult Swim once!